Report a MassArt Compromised Account


If you believe you have been a victim of credential theft or you inadvertently exposed your MassArt NetID and password, please reset your password here: 

Submitting this form will automatically create a ticket to report a Compromised Account to the Service Desk.

Features/ Overview

Click on Report: Compromised Account button on the right. 

Please include the following:

  • Account Name
  • Account NetID
  • Account Owner
  • Account Description (e.g., Faculty/Staff/Student Account, Sponsored Account, Shared Account/Department Account, ListServ or Email Distribution Account, Service Account)
  • Description of credential theft or events leading to credential exposure.
  • A valid phone number where you can be reached.
  • A secure email address where you can be reached. (Do not provide your MassArt email.)

Who can use it?

Faculty, staff, Alumni, Emeriti (anyone with a MassArt email)

Additional Information