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Services or Offerings?
Adobe Creative Cloud is a collection of 20+ desktop and mobile apps and services for photography, design, video, web, UX and more.

MassArt's administrative and student information system. It is sometimes referred to as the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system or application, or the Student Information System (SIS).

Support of MassArt owned devices.

Confluence is MassArt's wiki, used as for collaboration, document sharing, and as repository of information. Wiki spaces can be set up for large or small teams, and can be open to the public or restricted to individual users or groups.

Request consultation and conversaton with Technology management or subject matter expert.

Hardware that is no longer needed or functional may be formally removed from campus inventory and properly disposed.

Remove employee access to the MassArt network and software programs.

This service will begin the onboarding workflow which will create the necessary tickets/requests for completion.