Request Colleague Access


Supervisors may use this form to request access to specific screens (aka “mnemonics) in Colleague’s UI5 administrative on behalf of subordinates. The Technology department follows the “principle of least privilege” and provisions access based on a user’s role, which means that user access to systems, services, applications, and data is provisioned only if it is necessary to perform job duties and responsibilities outlined in the employee’s job description. Access is never provisioned for convenience or contrary to the laws, regulations, compliance requirements, or policies of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, institution, or if they are in conflict with information security and data privacy industry standards and best practices.

Requests may require authorization from a data steward (typically HR, the Registrar, or Administration & Finance) depending on the type of data that can be accessed via a certain screen or mnemonic, or may be denied if provisioning access could result in exposing the College to information security or data privacy risk, threats or vulnerabilities. Technology staff may reach out to the employee requiring access, or the employee’s supervisor, for additional information. Access for contractors, temporary employees, or other non-full-time employees may require additional information or authorization.

The Technology department may disable accounts or terminate access for terminated employees, accounts that are not in use, accounts that expose the College to information security or data privacy risk, or for users who have changed roles. Users who violate information security or data privacy policies, or misuse access to systems, services, applications, and data access to may be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.

Additionally, requests to access screens which are part of the UT or CORE applications in Colleague will be denied. These applications are for use only by system administrators (sysadmin), and not eligible for use by Colleague users. Users who traditionally had access to screens in these applications will find they no longer have access, and will not be provisioned access in the future. This restriction is required to ensure the performance, reliability and robustness of the application, and to ensure that end users do not inadvertently alter the system or its data in ways that could impact business continuity or academic and administrative operations.

Who can use it?

Colleague user access is approved based on an employee’s duties and responsibilities outlined in the job description.

Additional Information 



Request Colleague Access


Service Offering Id: 662
Mon 11/20/23 3:43 PM
Thu 12/21/23 3:23 PM