MassArt Alumni Email Forwarding Service

MassArt is pleased to offer alumni access to the Alumni Email Forwarding Service. The service provides alumni with an email alias that forwards email to a designated personal email account. Enrolling in the Alumni Email Forwarding Service will keep you connected to MassArt and other alumni after graduation. The service was activated on August 15, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How does email forwarding work?

The alumni email forwarding service redirects messages sent to the email alias to an email address designated by you (e.g.,, or to the personal email address currently on file with MassArt's Alumni Relations Office. Once activated, all messages sent to your alias will be redirected to that designated email account.

Q: Is this an email account?

No, it is only an email alias which redirects to an email account designated by you.

Q: I am a graduating student - how can I register for this service?

You will be automatically enrolled in the service when you graduate from MassArt, if you have provided a personal email account to MassArt's Alumni Relations Office. If you have not provided a personal email address, please use this form to register with the Alumni community, and please be sure to provide a non-MassArt email address when filling out the form:


Q: Can I sign up using my business email account, or an email account from a college or university I am currently attending/have attended?

We recommend that you select a personal email account that you will continue to have access to and is directly under control for your designated email account. If you do not have a personal email account already, many email service providers, like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, provide email accounts for free.

If you sign up with a business email account, and switch jobs, and lose access to that business email account, you will not receive messages sent to your email address until you update the designated email account. If you have an active account with another college or university, the same applies - if you lose access to that account at some point, messages will not be delivered once that account is deactivated.

Q: I am a graduating student - what happens to my student Google Workspace account after graduation?

Graduating students will continue to have access to their student Google Workspace accounts for 90 days after the date of graduation maintained by the Registrar’s Office. 

The official graduation date can vary depending on program requirements, but this guidance is applicable to most students.

Q: I graduated in 2022, 2023 or Spring 2024, and still have access to a student email account. When will that expire?

Google Workspace / accounts for 2022, 2023 and Spring 2024 graduates will expire on October 8th, 2024. [These accounts were originally set to expire in August or September, but an extension until October 8th, 2024 has been approved.]

Q: How can I backup my Google Workspace account, or migrate the data to a personal Google account, before it expires?

For guidance on how to backup your Google Workspace data, including email, files and documents stored in Google Drive, calendars, contacts, etc. or migrate that data to a personal Google account, please review our Backing up or migrating your MassArt Google account data Knowledge Base article.

Q: If I miss the 90-day grace period after graduation, will I still be able to access my Google Workspace account or data at a later date? 

Unfortunately, you will not have access after the 90-day grace period, unless you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You are hired by the College as a contractor, full-time benefited employee (staff or faculty), part-time staff member, or as an adjunct faculty member (e.g., a visiting lecturer) within the 90-day grace period.

  • You are accepted into another degree or certificate program, or enroll in a Professional Continuing Education course, within the 90-day grace period

Q: I attended MassArt, but never graduated or completed my degree requirements - am I still eligible for an email alias? 

If you have successfully completed at least two semesters or accumulated a total of eighteen (18) credit hours in a MassArt degree program, you are eligible for the service. Check with the Alumni Relations team to determine your eligibility.

Q: I am currently an alum, and already have an address email account. Do I need to do anything? What happens after the transition on August 15th, 2024?

If you had an address email account, and a personal email address currently on file with MassArt's Alumni Relations Office, you will not need to do anything. After the transition on August 15th, 2024, all messages sent to your email address are being forwarded to the personal email address maintained by the Alumni Relations team. 

The alumni forwarding email service is setup so that all messages sent to your email address will automatically be forwarded to the personal email address that you provide to the Alumni Relations Office.

Q: I am an alum, but I did not have, or never used, an address email account. 

Please use this form to register with the Alumni community, or update information if you’ve signed up already and be sure to provide a non-MassArt email address when filling out the form. 

The alumni forwarding email service will be set up so that all messages sent to your email address will automatically be forwarded to the personal email address that you provide to the Alumni Relations team.

Q: How do I update the designated personal email linked to my email alias?

Please use this form to update information on file with the Alumni Relations Office. 

Q: How many email aliases can an email forward be sent to?

Alumni forwarding allows emails to be routed to up to 10 alias addresses.

Q: How do I send messages using my email alias?

You cannot send emails from your alumni forwarding alias; it is only an email alias which  forwards incoming messages to your designated email account. Your email provider may allow you to set up an alternate "Reply To:" address to display your address. Check with your email provider for instructions:

Q: Are messages secure?

Yes, the privacy of forwarded emails is protected by encrypting all messages in transit to your mailbox.

Q: Will messages I receive be stored on the College’s email server/service provider?

No messages are retained on the College’s email servers, or its service provider. Messages are delivered directly to your designated personal email address. 

Q: How do you prevent spam?

The service provider ensures email forwarding messages are protected from spam and viruses. This protection is crucial to maintaining deliverability and IP reputation. Messages are sanitized and optionally quarantined before routing to the next destination. 

Q: Can I register for the alumni email forwarding service after August 15th, 2024?

You can sign up for the service anytime. Please use this form to register with the Alumni community, and please be sure to provide a non-MassArt email address when filling out the form:

Q: How do I access my email address after the transition?

The email alias is not an email account - it only forwards messages to a designated email account. To access messages sent to it, you will log into the designated personal email account to receive any emails being sent to your email.

Q: How do I opt out of or discontinue the alumni email forwarding service?

Contact the Alumni Relations Office at to discontinue the alumni email forwarding service.

Q: I am a recent graduate and will work for MassArt soon after graduation - will I be able to continue to use my old student Google Workspace account? 

If the College hires you and you are hired within 90 days of the date you graduated, access to your old student account should be uninterrupted. If you are hired after 90 days from the date you graduated, you will lose access until the hiring process is completed. 

Q: I am an international student who meets the criteria for Optional Practical Training (OPT) for F-1 Students or STEM OPT. Will I lose access to my old student Google Workspace account after 90 days? 

International students eligible for OPT or STEM OPT will continue to have access to their student Google Workspace accpimts for the duration of their OPT eligibility. When they are no longer eligible for OPT, they will lose access to their student Google Workspace account, but they you can will then be eligible to sign up for an alumni email forwarding service. Students interested in OPT eligibility should contact MassArt’s International Education Center for assistance.

Q: I still have questions not answered here - who do I contact for more information?

Please contact Alumni Relations at for additional assistance.


The table below outlines who is eligible to sign up for the alumni forwarding service. 

Alumni are defined as any former matriculated student who has graduated from the College at any time after the successful completion of undergraduate or graduate degree requirements at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, or who have received a certificate through MassArt’s Division of Professional and Continuing Education. Non-grad alums who have completed at least two semesters or accumulated a total of eighteen (18) credit hours in a MassArt degree program are also eligible for an alias.


Eligible (yes/no)

Matriculated students enrolled in a undergraduate or graduate program, or a certificate program

Yes, after successful completion of degree or certificate requirements / graduation

Matriculated students who leave the institution prior to successfully completing degree or certificate programs

Yes, if they have successfully completed at least two semesters or accumulated a total of eighteen (18) credit hours in a MassArt degree program

Professional and Continuing Education students

No, unless they complete a certificate program

Students enrolled in Artward Bound or Youth Programs


Staff and Faculty

No, unless they are MassArt alumni


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