Managing Blocked URL Tickets


If you see a ticket come in for a blocked website, which has been common as of late, please assign it to me.  Alternatively, if you're up to it, you can navigate to and submit the URL for a review.

That process is pretty straightforward, you just have to enter the URL in the search bar at and then press the "Enter" key.  At that point you'll need to click on "Request a Review" and then enter some information on the following screen to actually initiate the review.  Screenshots of the pages you'll encounter are below.

image.png (Thumbnail)

image.png (Thumbnail)


Once Fortinet has made a judgement on the blocked URL they will email their decision to the email address that you designate in the second screenshot.  At this point, if the URL has been categorization has changed, please test to see if the site is still blocked on any of the MassArt networks (wired or wireless, all have the same web filter applied) before following up with the requestor and closing the ticket.  

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Article ID: 6631
Fri 4/26/24 11:30 AM
Tue 4/30/24 11:04 AM