Inclement Weather & Emergency Closing

In the event that the College is closed and classes and other scheduled activities are canceled due to inclement weather, only “inclement weather personnel” are required to work. “Inclement weather personnel” include the following: Power Plant personnel, who must remain on the job until properly relieved by their normal shift replacement, security personnel, and some maintenance personnel for clearing snow from the sidewalks and building entrances.

The President is advised of the following: 1) storm conditions in the immediate area of the College, 2) the status of public transportation, 3) other private/public agency closings, 4) the latest weather advisory. The president then determines the necessity for closing the College. Information will be broadcast on the following radio and television stations: Radio: WBZ (1030 AM) AND WRKO (680 AM). Television: WBZ (Channel 4); WCVB (Channel 5); and WHDH (Channel 7). Information will also be available at, an email announcement will be sent out and the emergency notification system, RAVE, will be used to notify employees of a closing.

Information will be given to the stations prior to 6:15am for an all-day closing, by 12pm for an afternoon closing, and by 2:30pm for cancellation of evening activities. You may also call the College at (617) 87y-7000. The recorded message will be changed to indicate if the College is closed.

Graduate and continuing education classes will be cancelled when the day division closes. If however, adverse weather conditions develop during the day, graduate and continuing education personnel, in conjunction with the president, will determine if classes are canceled. This decision will be made prior to 2:30pm.

In instances of emergencies during the workday, such as power outages and/or fires, please exercise common sense. Please do not use the elevators and if the situation requires, evacuate the building in a safe, organized, and timely manner. If you believe you may need assistance evacuating the building, in an emergency situation or during a drill, please contact Public Safety at ext. 7800 for immediately for instructions.

The College strongly encourages all individuals with disabilities to work with Public Safety (ext. 7810) and/or the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ext. 7060) to develop a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) and to update their PEEP with any changes to schedules or location at the beginning of each semester. You can begin this process by obtaining a PEEP Planning Form from Public Safety or the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. A staff member will then contact you to review your Planning From and work with you to develop your PEEP. All information you share with the College will be used only for the purposes of emergency evacuations. 

There may be occasions during inclement weather or other emergency situations when the College is open. If the College is open, all employees are expected to report to work or notify their appropriate area supervisor that they are requesting to use accrued leave.

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Article ID: 4698
Thu 2/29/24 1:45 PM