9. How to create ticket templates

Creating a Template

  1. From the Desktop, select on the Tickets tab or select it from the Application Menu in the upper left-hand corner.
  2. From the Tickets tab, select the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner to open the menu, then select New Ticket Template.
  3. The New Ticket Template window will pop-up. From here, you can enter the information you would like pre-populated in your template.
  4. Template Considerations:
    1. Make sure to include a prefix for your group in the Template Name field.
    2. Select the proper Template Visibility:
      1. Selecting Just Me will make your template will only be available to you.
      2. Selecting Only These Groups will allow you to share your template with team members. After selecting this option, you will need to indicate which groups should be able to access this template.
    3. Fields with a red asterisk are required and required a selection or entry to save the template.
    4. Please consult the terminology crosswalk at the bottom of this document to know what each field is asking for.
    5. Once you have finished completing the necessary fields, click the Save button to save your template.


Using a Template

  1.  When creating, select the template from the Template dropdown list to apply it to the ticket

  1. Note: Only templates that are visible to you and use the same classification as the ticket you are modifying will display in the Templates dropdown list (e.g. Service Request templates on Service Request tickets, etc.)
  2. Your template will populate all fields except for the Asset/CI field/tab. Please remember to make a selection here before submitting a ticket based on your template.
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