6. How to use Statuses


When and how to use Statuses in Tickets.


How to and when to use each status 

As you work through the ticket to resolution you may send a message to the requester or resolve the incident / fulfill the Service Request. 

  1. Open the ticket you want to update by clicking on the ticket ID number or ticket Title. In this example, an Incident ticket is selected.
  2. Click the Actions button on he menu bar at the top of the ticket.
  3. Click the Update option. A new window opens.
  4. In the New Status field, click the drop-down arrow to view all status options.
  5. Choose In Process when you begin to work on a ticket.  That way everyone will know that there is some movement on the ticket at that time. 
  6. Add any additional work notes in the comments box. *This is a required field. 




Article ID: 7994
Mon 6/3/24 11:24 AM
Mon 6/3/24 11:24 AM