How to Fill out Form Fields
After choosing the specific form you wish to use, fill in the fields with the information provided by the Requestor. The specific fields available in your forms have been determined by the service needs and may vary from form to form.
Examples of common fields found in forms include:
- Service-
- Requestor *- The main contact person; the person in need of assistance
- Department* - Most of the time, this will fill in when the Requestor is entered.
- Alternate Contact info. - Use this field to enter the person's name and how to contact them. This is intended for someone who would not fall into the category of a student, faculty, staff or contract employee or if the Requestor is not found in the system.
- Title/Subject* - A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
- Description* -The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
- Location - The physical location (such as a building) that can be selected to indicate where the ticket has occurred.
- Include additional contact(s) In notifications - Add names of other faculty, staff or student here to have them included in notifications regarding this ticket.
- Source*- How did the ticket come in (Dept. Internal, Direct Contact, Email, Phone, Service Catalog, Walk up)
Required fields have an asterisk (*) next to the field title. All other fields are optional. As you fill in the form fields, additional fields may appear on screen asking for additional information. For example, if the information entered in the Printer Issue Form may be What is the printer issue
- Complete all required fields (and any additional fields, as needed) in the ticket.
- Filling out as much information as possible will help to route the ticket to the correct group or assist in resolving the ticket.
Most tickets are broken into the top area (about or from the requestor) and the bottom section – for IT.
NOTE: You should ALWAYS SEARCH FOR ANSWERS before resolving or assigning the ticket to someone else.
- Assign to a Responsible* Group (never an individual) Even if you are working on solving the incident. Assign to the group first, save the ticket then take ownership under the Actions Tab.
- After completing all required fields in the ticket form, click the green Save at the top of the ticket
NOTE: When looking for Service use the search function. Typing in a term will only show the top 4. If it is not listed in the top 4 use the search/magnifier.

After pressing save, the ticket closes, and the Incident Created Successfully window appears to acknowledge that your ticket has been created. This window also provides the Incident ID number (Request ID number) and additional options you can take.
- To create a new ticket, click on the Create another incident link.
- To view this ticket again, click on the View the incident you just created link.
- To go back to the ticket application, click the X in the upper right corner of the Incident Created Successfully window.