How to Create an Incident in TDX.
Several different ticket forms may be available in the TDNext ticketing application. This job aid covers how to create a ticket using an Incident Ticket form and how to fill out the form fields.
- Click on the applications menu icon (9 squares) in the upper left-hand corner of the application home page.
- Click the icon for the IT Tickets application
- Click the +New option at the top of the application window

- In the + New Form window, click the option for the type of ticket you want to create.
- In this example, Incident Form is selected.
- Click in the Form field to choose the specific form for the incident ticket from the drop-down menu. There are options for Incident Forms or Service Request forms. In this example, Printer Incident is selected for the ticket.
Note: Both the Incident Forms and the Service Request Forms include a general form in both areas as well as specific forms for specific types of incidents and requests. Review the form choice before picking one. Selecting the appropriate form is key to both gathering the correct data as well as classifications and escalation.