Bid Process


This article includes an overview of the bidding process for supplies and services.


The competitive procurement process is followed for the purchase of commodities and services if the procurement does not qualify as a competitive procurement exception.

1. Purchasing provides Request for Proposal (RFP) guidance to end user departments to begin the process. The purpose of the RFP is to obtain best value for commodities and services and to define the expected outcomes. The department submits to Purchasing:

a. Name of project and estimated contract award amount.

b. Draft Specifications and Description of Services. This is the most important step in the RFP process. The evaluation criteria section in this document should cross walk to the Bid Report Card. This document to include anticipated duration of contract renewal options.

c. Draft Bid Report Card including categories of evaluation with assigned point values.

d. Names of Bid Committee.

2.  Purchasing reviews draft Specifications and Descriptions of Services and provides feedback. Department forwards final draft to Purchasing.

3. Purchasing meets with bid team to establish bid time line to include:

a. Date bid is issued and publicly advertised

b. Deadline for bidders to submit written questions

c. Deadline for end user departments to provide Purchasing with Q&A addendum

d. Date Purchasing issues Q&A addendum

e. Bid Deadline Date

f. Dates for finalist interviews if applicable

g. Dates for bid team to evaluate RFP responses

h. Date that bid team forwards completed final bid report card to Purchasing

i. Anticipated bid award date

4. Bids are issued with the college "Front End" introducing the RFP Specifications and Description of Services. Only Purchasing modifies this boilerplate document which includes:

a. RFP name, date, number, response deadline, and response instructions

b. Single or multiple vendor contract award

c. Duration of contract with renewal options

d. RFP time line

e. Bid distribution information

f. Public Records Law section

g. Required contract documents (e.g. Commonwealth Standard Contract and Commonwealth Terms and Conditions)

h. Payment Terms

j. Certificate of Non-Collusion

5. Bid is awarded and contract documents executed

6. Notification of bid award for all respondents

7. After bid award, the department contract manager is responsible to manage the engagement (e.g. ensure deliverables are received, project does not fall behind proposed time line, etc.). Purchasing's role after contract award is to answer questions and provide guidance if needed. 



Article ID: 14103
Thu 12/12/24 11:31 AM
Mon 12/16/24 1:33 PM