MassArt's objective in issuing college procurement cards is to issue the cards to the employees that maximize the administrative efficiencies that the procurement card program provides. Before any procurement card can be issued to a college employee, the request for a procurement card must be approved by the divisional vice president (via email to Administrative Services) and then approved by the Vice President of Administration and Finance.
MassArt procurement cards are not issued to college faculty. For academic departments, college procurement cards are issued to staff that provide programmatic support services.
In instances where international travel programs require the use of a college procurement card, the need to issue a temporary procurement card to college employee(s) is evaluated on a case by case basis.
Procurement Card Policy & Procedures (PDF)
Online Coding
Department budget information must be designated online for each procurement card transaction by the first business day of each month.
Coding your Transactions: Master Card Smart Data Online
Month End Statements turned into the Business Office
The monthly billing statement needs to be signed by the appropriate personnel and forwarded to the Accounting Services, Tower Building Room 804, along with all supporting documentation (receipts attached in the order that they appear on the statement) by the 15th day of the subsequent month.
- In addition to the monthly reminder sent out by Administrative Services at the end of each month, Accounting Services will issue a late notice to cardholders who have not met the 15th of each month deadline.
- Statements that remain outstanding at the end of the subsequent month (e.g. end of June for the May statement) will result in the temporary suspension of use of the p-card until all required documentation is received in Accounting Services.
- In circumstances that that prevent the cardholder from meeting the monthly deadline of the 15th of the month, a request for an extension can be emailed to Accounting Services at with the reason for the request and the date the monthly statement will be received in Accounting Services.